Saturday, October 19, 2013

Sweaters, shawls, and socks!   Not sure what is going on in my brain but for some reason I can't seem to process.  I seem to be drawn to MKALs.    Mystery knit a longs for those unfamiliar.  It started with "color craving"  from Stephen West.  previously discussed here.  Well clue for was released October 4,  I should be done......maybe I would be if I weren't juggling so many different clues in my head, lol.  I do hope to finish the majority of these things by the 31st of October (it's the 19th now,  maybe some wishful thinking.  Maybe some flat out denial...who knows.  I also started the sock it to me mkal with Meltran designs,  I have tested patterns for her before and loved he work so again thought it would be fun.  I seem to be stuck on clue 1,  was moving along nicely and somehow dropped part of my cable stitches (never tried cables before, could be a part of what slowing me down here (more denial).  Clue 4 comes out on Tuesday and I hope to at least be up to three at that point.....we will see.     The MKAL for the 30 day sweater challenge is in a similar state.  clue 6 was released on thursday,  I am still on 1...I just signed up for another sock mkal that I was invited to participate in thinking I had to Nov 30,  wrong it's october 30.. Thinking I am not going to make that deadline, once again we will see.   And the last one kicks off with the first clue on october 31  at least I have until December to get it together....My hooks are going to be neglected for the next 30 days it would seem.  I guess I should get back to stitching.......A little progress up to this point......

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Needles and hooks are just a little busy today......I finished the baby v-stitch throw made with a g hook on the body, and an f on the border.  I sued premier cotton fair yarn in turquoise, leaf green, and lemon drops.  This is number 3 for this pattern.  Love the way it turned out the cotton fair colors are nice and bright and the pattern works up very nice.

v stitch baby

Using needles more this week I think....  I have started my socks for the meltran designs MKAL.  Using stash yarn that has been in my stash since last year.  It is knit one, crochet two crock  o'dye  #622 skyway.  just past the half way point on sock one, just cast on sock two
sock number 1

I have finished clues 1,2, and 3 on the Westknits MKAL "color craving"  Just one more to finish.  clue 4 came out October 4, but I have been behind on this from the beginning.  I was taking a bit of a break from it, but plan to go back to it very soon.  I want to finish it and I need my needles for other projects.

As if that is not enough to keep me busy I am also knitting my first sweater.  Using yarn that has been in my stash for quite some times.  Universal Classic shades midnight ride colorway.